Writing Workshops with Instructor T.J. Banks
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Writing Workshops with Instructor T.J. Banks
“Writing Yourself Out”
Tuesday, Mar. 11, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m., So. Conference Room
Cost: $3 - Register by Mar. 6
Everybody has a story to tell-something that he or she really needs to write about. A lot of us are hesitant to put pen to paper because we think that writing is hard. Well, it doesn’t have to be. When we’re writing about things that we’re truly engaged with, it can be playful, moving, exhilarating, or all of the above. In this workshop, we’re going to forget a lot of what we’ve been taught about writing and explore new ways of bringing our stories to life.
“The Animal Connection”
Tuesday, Apr. 8, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m., So. Conference Room
Cost: $3 - Register by Apr. 3
Animals are some of the most incredible teachers and guides imaginable. They teach us about compassion, unconditional love and, in the case of those with a disability, awe inspiring determination. In this workshop, we’ll see how writing about the animals we love not only allows us to capture them in words, it also lets us explore what they mean to us.
T.J. Banks is the author of several books, including Moonlight & Grace, A Time for Shadows, Abys Among Us & Other Stories for the Feline-Inclined, and Catsong, as well as other books, anthologies and poetry. She has worked for The Associated Press and The Writer’s Digest School and taught writing workshops in both Connecticut and Massachusetts.